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Date: Sunday April 23rd , 2017
Place: Burkel’s One Block Over
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1700 hours.
A quorum was declared with 21 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Alliance and Steve Paradise led the invocation.
The following officers were present:
President: Kelly Heaney, Vice President: Steve Paradise, Motor Vehicle Craft Director: Tim Alberts, Clerk Craft Director: Dave Kroll, Maintenance Craft Director:Dave Villwock, Recording Secretary: Jenny Starry, Secretary/Treasurer: Bryce Thomas. Bay Breeze Editor:Kelsey Helf was absent.
Minutes of the March 2017 meeting were read by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry. A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Nick Ratajczyk to accept the minutes as read. Motion passed unanimously.
The financial report for March 2017 was read by Bryce Thomas.
Executive Committee: The e-board recommendations:
To buy 10 tickets for the Labor Day Picnic on September 4th, 2017 at Bay Beach.
3971’s need to get in to get approval to go to Las Vegas so flights can be booked.
The John Akey seminar was discussed.
Labor/Management: The labor management meeting was well attended and long. NBA Willie Mellen attended the meeting. Grievnces were discussed. There’s a lot that should be settled at Step 1 and they’re not. FMLA was discussed. Make sure you know your leave balances.
Grievance: There is a big backlog on grievances right now. There are 3 grievances filed about sending maintenance people to Oshkosh.
Safety/Health: The top rack of flats in manual was discussed. Push equipment one at a time, don’t pull. Make sure you leave enough clearance to get through in the area you are working in. You get $12/day if you get hurt outside of work from the ABA.
Legislative: Steve Paradise gave the Legislative report. He talked about the Legislative breakfast, Workers Memorial Day on April 28tt , and H.R. 756.
New Members:
Lost Members:
UNFINISHED BUSINESS The audit committee will give a report at the May meeting.
Lia Mahibar resigned as Union Steward. She thanked the membership.
A motion was made by Dave Villwock and seconded by Nick Ratajczyk to spend up to $100 on a gift basket to send to the NBA office to thank them. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Lucy Hauser to buy 10 tickets to the Labor Day Picnic at Bay Beach on Sept 4th, 2017. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Nick Ratajczyk and seconded by Tim Alberts to have the next meeting on Wednesday, May 31st at 11:30 am at location to be determined. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Nick Ratajczak and seconded by Dave Kroll to have the following meeting on Sunday, July 16th, 2017 at 6pm at location to be determined. Motion passed unaninmously.
OTHER BUSINESS The reversion of jobs and reposting of more jobs on tour 1 was discussed.
ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Dave Villwock to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. NEWAL meeting adjourned.
The $10 door prize was won by Sandy Murphy.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.