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Date: Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
Place: Denny’s
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1100 hours.
A quorum was declared with 17 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present:
President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf and Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg. Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear were absent.
Minutes of the March 2019 were read by Kelly Heaney.
A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Kelsey Helf to accept the minutes.
The following changes were made to the March minutes; move what is under Constitution to new business.
A motion was made to accept the March 2019 minutes as changed was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Tim Alberts. Motion passed unanimously.
The financial report for March 2019 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.
Executive Committee: The e-board’s recommendation is to pay for the hotel room and not pay for travel time for the Convention in Wausau. RI-399 was also discussed.
A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Tim Alberts to suspend the order of business to order food. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Kelsey Helf to resume the order of business. Motion passed unanimously.
Labor/Management: Overtime on your off day and not being on the max list, the trucks in the parking lot, and the air handling units were discussed. The rumors about rebidding the whole plant or just rebidding some jobs are just that. Rumors. They’re in the middle of a Function 1.
Grievance: Supervisors doing TACS work, RI-399, displacement and clerks running alone grievances are ongoing. Clerk job in the MVS, and a non-compliance by management concerning the maintenance operation support clerk grievances were filed.
Automation: You’re not supposed to flip trays any more. Just be aware of this if you get hurt.
Safety/Health: The CARE program was discussed.
Legislative: Steve Paradise gave the Legislative report. He talked about an article written by Mark Fallon titled Postal Reform: Nothing Will Come of Nothing. The FLEET Act of 2019 was introduced. This is to transform the USPS’s federal fleet into a national leader in fuel efficiency and technological innovation.
Constitution: The Constitution committee will present in new business four new proposals concerning what is a convention and how delegates are selected for those conventions.
New Members:
Lost Members:
A motion was made by Steve Paradise on behalf of the Constitution Committee to accept the three changes to the constitution concerning the Craft Directors and one concerning the Executive Vice President that were proposed at the March 2019 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning local elections and convention delegates. See attached. Motion passed unanimously.
The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning alternate delegates. See attached. Motion passed unanimously.
The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning duties of the president. See attached. Motion passed unanimously.
The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning expenditures. See attached. Motion passed unanimously.
These will be posted on the board, at all AO’s, on the NEWAL website, and in the Bay Breeze.
A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Tim Alberts that the union will pay for either the hotel room for Wednesday night or travel time on Thursday morning for the convention in Wausau. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Maribel Sauer to have the next meeting on Wednesday, May 29th at 11am at Denny’s. Motion passed unanimously.
Tim Alberts volunteered to be the Election Committee chairperson for the next election.
A motion was made by Kelsey Helf and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. NEWAL meeting adjourned.
The $10 door prize was won by Sheri Beauleau.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry