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Date:  Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Place:  Gallagher’s

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 7 pm.

A quorum was declared with 10 members in attendance. 

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation. 

The following officers were present:

President Kelly Heaney, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, and Clerk Craft Director Steve Paradise.  Vice President Dave Kroll and Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg were excused.  Maintenance Craft Director Pete Knutson resigned. 

Minutes of the January 2021 meeting were printed in the Bay Breeze.  A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to accept the minutes.  Motion passed unanimously. 

 The financial report for January was read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.  

Executive Committee:  The e-board discussed the budget for the year including the conventions and the picnic and giving a donation to the Fisher House.    

Labor/Management:  Some items discussed were removing the snow in the parking lot and the temperature in the building.   

Grievance:  Cofrin grievances are being filed for supervisors and carriers doing clerk work and for clerks not receiving COVID pay.        

Safety/Health:  If you get hurt, report it.  You have 24 hours.             

Legislative:  Steve Paradise gave the legislative report.  He talked about the USPS Fairness Act that would end the pre-funding requirement for future health benefits for retirees.  Please contact your legislators and ask that they support this.  Go to APWU.org to get this information.  The next APWU Live with President Diamondstein is February 25th at 7pm eastern.  Visit the APWU Live page for more information, to get a reminder and to submit a question.           



New Members:  Faith Ness, Joshua Kunkel, Jessica Meza, Athena Gorzelanczyk, Joe Broswick, Julie Stewart, and Keegan Wauters.       

Lost Members:  Roger Ludke and Jean Wald            




A motion was made by Kelsey Helf and seconded by Lacy Buck to send Art Ciesielczyk to virtual LM3 training in March to include 3 hours lost time.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kelsey Helf and seconded by Steve Paradise to spend up to $6000 on the summer picnic on the first Sunday in August.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Pam Krause to spend up to $3000 on a holiday party.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Lacy Buck and seconded by Kelsey Helf to send up to 7 people to the State Convention in Wisconsin Dells in April to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to send up to 4 people to the All-Craft Conference/National Convention in Las Vegas in September/October to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kelsey Helf and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to send 2 stewards to the All-Craft Conference training in Las Vegas in September to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kelsey Helf and seconded by Steve Paradise to send Jenny Starry to the APWU Health Plan Convention in Detroit in October to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Pam Krause to donate $100 to the Fisher House.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to donate $100 to the American Red Cross for the relief efforts in Texas.  Motion passed unanimously. 



A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Kelsey Helf to have the next meeting on Thursday, March 25th at 2:30 pm at Gallagher’s.  Motion passed unanimously. 


A motion was made by Quinn Frye and seconded by Pam Krause to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  NEWAL meeting adjourned at 8 pm.  

The $10 door prize was won by Ekaterina Bouyear.

The $120 rolling jackpot winner was Kathy Heise.  She was not present so it will be $140 next month. 

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.