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Date:  Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Place:  Denny’s

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1000 hours.

A quorum was declared with 13 members in attendance. 

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation. 

The following officers were present:

President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear.  

Minutes of the November 2019 meeting were read by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.  

 A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to accept the minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.   

The financial report for November 2019 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Steve Paradise to suspend the order of business to order food.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to resume the order of business.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Executive Committee:  The e-board discussed the audit committee, the picnic, sending up to 4 members to the National Convention in August in Los Angeles and up to 7 members to the State Convention in April in Appleton, sending Jenny to the Health Plan Convention in October in Baltimore and to send Art to Quick Books training.  The e-board recommends not to send anyone to the 4-state caucus in February.   

Labor/Management:  Overtime and annual leave bidding were discussed. 

Grievance:   RI-399 got handed back down to the local from the national.  AO grievances are being filed. 

Safety/Health:  Re-training on some safety procedures was discussed.      

Legislative:  The election of a new Post Master General could affect us in a negative way. 


Constitution:  A copy of the updated Constitution has been printed.  There will be a link to access it on the website newal.org

New Members:  Teng Xiong, Francine Parrett and Bethany Paiser

Lost Members: Barb Glaser, Al Taylor, Debbie Wudtke, and Mike Daul, all retired. 





Lacy Buck agreed via text to be the Chairman of the Audit Committee.  Chris Opolka and Sue Pranke volunteered to help with the audit.  The audit has to be done by the end of February.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to send up to 7 members to the State Convention in Appleton on April 24th-26th to include lost time, per diem, transportation and registration.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to send up to 3 members plus the President to the National Convention in Los Angeles on August 17th-20th to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Pete Knutsen to send Jenny Starry to the Health Plan Convention in Baltimore in October to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to send Art Ciesielczyk to Quick Books training, location and dates to be determined, to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration and lodging.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Steve Paradise to spend up to $5000 on the picnic to be held on the first Sunday in August at place to be determined.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to send a donation of $100 each to the Salvation Army and the House of Hope.  Motion passed unanimously.  

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by to Jeremy Linberg to give Art Ciesielczyk a $100 gift card for his help with the Constitution.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Art Ciesielczyk and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to give Tim Alberts a $150 gift card and Bryce Thomas a $50 gift card for helping with the election.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Cleaning of the storage unit was discussed.  Volunteers can contact Kelly. 

Pete Knutsen was sworn in as the new Maintenance Craft Director. 


A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Dave Kroll to have the next meeting on Wednesday, February 19th at 2:30 pm at Denny’s.  Motion passed unanimously.


A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  NEWAL meeting adjourned at 1140 hours.   

 The $10 door prize was won by Jenny Starry.

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.