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Date: Wednesday, June 27th, 2018
Place: Denny’s
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1450 hours.
A quorum was declared with 16 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise led the Invocation.
The following officers were present:
President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear, Bay Breeze editor Kelsey Helf was absent.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Nick Ratajczyk to suspend the order of business to order food. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Christine Bouyear to resume normal order of business. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes of the May 2018 meeting were printed in the Bay Breeze.
A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Nick Ratajczyk to accept the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
The financial report for May 2018 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.
Executive Committee: The e-board recommends to pay Art Ciesielczyk for the 43.75 hours and give a $75 gift card each to Tim Alberts and Bryce Thomas for their time spent working on the election, to have the next meeting on Sunday July 22nd at 7pm, and to send Jeremy Linberg to MVS Division Conference and training in Pittsburgh on August 17th-19th.
Labor/Management: Kelly attended the quarterly district labor/management meeting in Milwaukee on June 7th. None of his agenda items were heard.
Grievance: All current RI-399 grievances are being withdrawn. Denial of steward time grievances are being sent out of the building. A carrier getting a clerk job is being looked into.
Safety/Health: The air conditioning in the building and the cleanliness of the breakroom floor were discussed.
Legislative: Steve Paradise gave the legislative report. There are 250 bills in Congress that involve the Postal Service. Several address specific postal issues, like voting by mail, postal banking, mailing alcohol, emergency suspensions of post offices, and requiring post offices to display the official portrait of the president and vice-president. A few of the bills are comprehensive postal reform bills.
Constitution: Steve Paradise volunteered to be on the Constitution Committee. Art Ciesielczyk and Christine Bouyear volunteered to help him, and possibly Jeremy Linberg.
New Members: Lora Jakubowski, Jonette Coonen, and Emily Piontek.
Lost Members:
Communications: On Friday, July 27th, the Labor Council is having a solidarity at the Ball Park for a Bullfrog Game. The cost in $21 for a game ticket, all the food and soda you want and 3 beers. This will be posted on the board.
122 people voted in the election for Secretary/Treasurer. 80 votes for Robert Olson and 42 for Lucy Hauser. Robert Olson was sworn in.
A motion was made by Nick Ratajczyk and seconded by Dave Kroll to pay Art Ciesielczyk 43.75 hours at his straight time rate and to give $75 gift cards to Bryce Thomas and Tim Alberts for their work on the election. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Lance Bouyear and seconded by Dave Kroll to send Jeremy Linberg to Pittsburgh on August 17th-19th to the MVS Division Conference and training to include lost time, per diem, transportation, parking, registration, and lodging. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Steve Paradise to have the next meeting on Sunday, July 22nd at 7pm at the Labor Temple. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Nick Ratajczyk to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. NEWAL meeting adjourned.
The $10 door prize was won by Lucy Hauser.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.