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Date: Monday, June 26th,2023
Place: Burkel’s
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 3 pm.
A quorum was declared with 21 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pam Krause gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present: President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Dave Kroll, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Bill Kabacinski, Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear, Clerk Craft Director Jenny Ewald and Motor Vehicle Craft Director Clade Adkins.
Minutes of the May 2023 meeting were read by Kelly. A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Sam Fritz to accept the minutes. Motion passed.
The financial report for May were read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.
Executive Committee: The e-board discussed who was going to The John Akey Seminar and The All-Craft Conference. Dave Kroll talked about resigning, the t-shirts were ordered and should be here in 5-6 weeks and the election was discussed.
Labor/Management: Items discussed were DBCS staffing, e-reassign positions, supervisors and 204B’s approving change of schedules, 204B’s sharing private information, supervisors harassing and belittling people on the floor, mail sent to the wrong PO, manual mail not being processed, EAP office being empty, supervisors not responding to step 1 grievances, supervisors doing clerk work, CSR PSE’s being sent to Sturgeon Bay and Luxemburg and if you need to talk to a steward, call a supervisor.
Grievance: A grievance was won on an NLRB charge that says people can wear clothing in support of a union or to show how unjust or unfair management is toward the union. This settlement should be posted for 60 days. Management only wants to allow 2 breaks in 10 hours, a grievance was filed for this. Make sure you check your pay checks. Denial of steward time grievances are being filed.
Safety/Health: There have been 3 recent injuries. Push, don’t pull!!!
New Members: Liam Schnick and Temika Carter
Lost Members: Frank Albrecht
Clade Adkins and Jesse Weber are going to the Akey fall training seminar August 25-26 in Minneapolis.
Kelly Heaney and Jenny Ewald are going to the All-Craft Conference October 2-4 in Las Vegas.
A motion was made by Sam Fritz and seconded by Dave Kroll to appoint Pam Krause the Election Committee Chairperson. Pam accepted. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jesse Weber to send Sam Fritz to the All-Craft Conference October 2-4 in Las Vegas as a young member, where the National pays half, to include lost time, per diem, transportation, registration, and lodging. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Donna Hansen and seconded by Jesse Weber to send Kelly Heaney to the National Presidents Conference before the All-Craft Conference in Las Vegas to include to lost time, per diem, transportation, registration, and lodging. Motion passed.
If they change your schedule by more than 2 hours, make sure you get a 1723. Make sure you check your pay stub. Modified job assignments were discussed.
A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Pam Krause to have the next meeting on Tuesday, July 25th at 3 pm at place to be determined. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Emily Piontek and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 4 pm.
The $10 door prize was won by Kelly Armstrong.
The $280 rolling jackpot winner was Amy Brunner. She was not present so it will be $300 at the next meeting.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.