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Date:  Sunday March 25th, 2018

Place:  The Labor Temple

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1400 hours.

A quorum was declared with 17 members in attendance.

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Alliance and Steve Paradise led the invocation.

The following officers were present:

President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear.

Minutes of the February 2018 meeting were printed in the Bay Breeze.  A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Kelsey Helf to accept the minutes as printed.  Motion passed unanimously.

The financial report for February 2018 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to go out of order to resolve the issue of accounting payroll.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to pay an accountant roughly $50/month to do payroll and quarterly reports.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Dave Kroll to resume normal order of business.


Executive Committee:   The e-board recommends re-running the election under their supervision instead of challenging them in court.

Labor/Management:   There is a meeting scheduled for the second Wednesday in April.

Grievance:   Kelly passed out a grievance report from the past 6 months and went over it.  It will be in the Bay Breeze with no names, tour specific and resolved ones only.

Automation:  The plan to move 3 machines to make more room for the carriers have been nixed for now.

Safety/Health:  Make sure you use both latches when you have the shelf up on an apc.  If both latches don’t work, orange tag it and get rid of it.   Don’t pull apcs with the shelf up. 

Legislative:   The Postal Reform Act of 2018, Bill 2629 was introduced in March 2018.  This bill is proposing reforms that would put the Postal Service on firm financial footing, stabilize and improve service performance, allow for the development of new products and services, and enhance transparency.

OWCP:  If you get hurt at work, file a claim.


New Members:  

Lost Members:

Communications:  Re-running the election was discussed.  Art Ciesielczyk volunteered to be the election chairperson.



A motion was made by Lucy Hauser and seconded by Dave Kroll to spend up to $200 for a gift for the APWU Auxiliary raffle at the State convention.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Donna Hansen and seconded by Christine Bouyear to send up to 8 people to steward training April 26th in Oshkosh to include mileage, per diem, lost time and parking.  Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to have the next meeting on Sunday, April 29th at 2pm at The Labor Temple.  Motion passed unanimously.



A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linbeg to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  NEWAL meeting adjourned.

The $10 door prize was won by Art Ciesielczyk.

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.