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Date: Sunday, March 19th, 2023
Place: Gallagher’s.
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 6 pm.
A quorum was declared with 18 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present: President Kelly Heaney, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Bill Kabacinski, Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear, Clerk Craft Director Jenny Ewald and Motor Vehicle Craft Director Clade Adkins. Vice President Dave Kroll was excused.
Minutes of the February 2023 meeting were read by Kelly. A correction was made to the minutes to not give out union shirts and hats starting February 28th, 2023. A motion was made by Clade Adkins and seconded by Sue Pranke to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion passed.
The financial report for February was read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.
Executive Committee: The e-board discussed paying the yearly charge for QuickBooks for Art, Art being trained to do the LM3 and 990 reports, not enough manual jobs at the plant. Kelly appointed Clade Adkins Motor Vehicle Craft Director.
Labor/Management: Hiring events, driveway repair/replacement, scanners for retail window, low cost needing more housekeeping, new fan for cancellers, vacant jobs in plant, back-up to fill RFI’s.
Grievance: 3 Step 3 crossing craft grievances were filed and one for a clerk job not posted timely. A vending machine contract grievance, filling out maintenance route sheet, and adding a relief to a bid job grievance were filed. The no-lunch grievance was won. A grievance was won saying the plant manager must be investigated for harassing employees.
Safety/Health: There were 2 accidents reported.
OWCP: If you get hurt, management fills out forms, make sure all the forms say workman’s comp. The first three days are your own leave.
New Members: Starr McAllister, Jordyn Prilepp, Breanna Meeks, Venus Pritchett, Russell Treadway, Kristian Nelson, Zachary Larsen, Alan Sawyer, Cale Williams, Ali Rage
Lost Members: Tim Teetzen
There is a federal benefits & retirement webinar on Sunday, April 2nd at 1pm. FederalWorkshops.com
The ordering of more t-shirts and sweatshirts was discussed. It will be decided at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Clade Adkins and seconded by Jesse Weber to pay $579.20 for QuickBooks for the year. Motion passed.
The Picnic is at 4 Seasons Park on Sunday, August 6th. Clocking in on scanners and customers out of control at the window were discussed.
A motion was made by Clade Adkins and seconded by Pam Krause to have the next meeting on Sunday, April 16th at 11:30 am at Gallagher’s. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Pam Krause and seconded by Clade Adkins to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm. Motion passed.
The $10 door prize was won by Art Ciesielczyk.
The $220 rolling jackpot winner was Jacqueline Zielinski. She was not present so it will be $240 at the next meeting.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.