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Date:  Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Place:  Denny’s

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1100 hours.

A quorum was declared with 19 members in attendance. 

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation. 

The following officers were present:

President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg, and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear.  Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll was excused.    

Minutes of the April 2019 meeting were printed in the Bay Breeze.

 A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Kelsey Helf to accept the minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.        

The financial report for April 2019 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Deb Nehmer to suspend the order of business to order food.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Maribel Sauer to resume the order of business.  Motion passed unanimously.


Executive Committee:  The e-board discussed the town hall meetings and the reposting of jobs. 

 Labor/Management:  The minutes are posted on the board.  The parking lot was discussed.

Grievance:  Custodian grievances are being filed.  Clerks shouldn’t be doing custodian work.  Let a steward know if you are told to.  



Legislative:  Steve Paradise gave the Legislative report.  He talked about the Easy Access to Mail Act, which would require the USPS to get permission to place cluster mailboxes in communities and would prohibit the USPS from changing a neighborhood that doesn’t already have clustered mailboxes.  He also talked about the USPS Fairness Act, to end the unfair pre-funding mandate of health benefits for USPS retirees.  Since 2007, this unfair mandate is responsible for more that 90 percent of USPS’s financial losses and 100 percent of losses over the past six years.  Contact your legislators and ask them co-sponsor these bills.  The Postal Service has been rated the top Government Agency for the past several years. 

OWCP:  If you get hurt, report it within 24 hours. 

Constitution:  The committee will suspend their work until after the elections.  Constitution changes will be presented in new business.   

New Members:  

Lost Members:        



A motion was made by Steve Paradise on behalf of the Constitution Committee to accept the four changes to the constitution concerning the local elections, delegates, the duties of the President, and expenditures.   See attached.  Motions passed unanimously.  


The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer.  See attached.  Motion passed unanimously. 

The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning the duties of the Executive Vice-President.  See attached.  Motion passed unanimously. 

The Constitution Committee made a motion to post the following change to the constitution concerning duties of the President.  See attached.  Motion passed unanimously. 

These will be posted on the board, at all AO’s, and on the NEWAL website.


The reposting of jobs was discussed. 


A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Kelsey Helf to have the next meeting on Sunday, June 23rd at 7pm at The Labor Temple.  Motion passed unanimously.




A motion was made by Art Ciesielczyk and seconded by Tim Alberts to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  NEWAL meeting adjourned. 

The $10 door prize was won by Pete Knutsen.

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.