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Date:  Sunday, September 8th, 2019

Place:  Denny’s

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 1850 hours.

A quorum was declared with 20 members in attendance. 

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation. 

The following officers were present:

President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Steve Paradise, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, Clerk Craft Director Dave Kroll, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg, and Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyear.  

Minutes of the July 2019 meeting were read by Kelly Heaney.  

 A motion was made by Art Ciesielczyk and seconded by Chris Opolka to accept the minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.   

The financial report for July 2019 was read by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Olson.


Executive Committee:   The e-board discussed local nominations and the national election. 

 Labor/Management:   The delay in rebidding was discussed.  Having a pregnancy policy was discussed.  This is handled on a case by case basis. 

A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to suspend the order of business to order food.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by Tim Alberts and seconded by Steve Paradise to resume the order of business.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Grievance:   The building was measured for the maintenance grievance. 

Automation:  Printing one label at a time was discussed. 

Safety/Health:  If you hurt yourself, report it right away.  Get witnesses.  If you are being harassed or witness someone being harassed, fill out a 1767.  This is a safety issue. 

Legislative:  Steve Paradise gave the Legislative Report.  He talked about the candidates for Congress in the upcoming election. 


Constitution:   Two constitution changes will be presented in unfinished business, and one change in the book of standing resolutions concerning the election will be presented in new business.   

New Members:  

Lost Members:  Dave Fameree



The Constitution Committee made a motion to accept an addition to the constitution concerning the duties of officers that was presented at the last meeting.  See attached.   Motion passed unanimously. 

The Constitution Committee made a motion to accept a change to the constitution concerning the duties of the editor that was presented at the last meeting.   See attached.  Motion passed unanimously.  


A motion was made to make an addition to the standing book of resolutions concerning campaign literature.  See attached.  Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Art Ciesielczyk and seconded by Jeremy Linberg that we follow guidelines by the National APWU Constitution concerning campaign literature being sent along with the ballots.  Motion was defeated. 

Kelly turned the meeting over to Tim Alberts, the Election Chairperson.

For the office of President:  Kelly Heaney was nominated by Dave Kroll.

For the office of Executive Vice President:  Dave Kroll was nominated by himself.

For the office of Secretary/Treasurer:  Robert Olson was nominated by Dave Kroll, Art Ciesielczyk was nominated by Jeremy Linberg. 

For the office of Recording Secretary:  Jenny Starry was nominated by Kelsey Helf.

For the office of Editor:  Kelsey Helf was nominated by Steve Paradise. 

For the office of Clerk Craft Director:  Steve Paradise was nominated by Donna Hansen, Christine Bouyear was nominated by Lance Bouyear. 

For the office of Motor Vehicle Craft Director:  Jeremy Linberg was nominated by Brenda Ellenson.

For the office of Maintenance Craft Director:  Bryce Thomas was nominated by Jeremy Linberg, Lance Bouyear was nominated by Jeremy Linberg, and Pete Knutson was nominated by Steve Paradise. 

For the State Convention Delegates:  Deb Nehmer, Chris Opolka, Bill Curtis, Kelsey Helf, Cindy Turritin, Steve Paradise, Dave Kroll, Jeremy Linberg, and Robert Olson were nominated. 

For the National Convention Delegates:  Deb Nehmer, Chris Opolka, Jeremy Linberg, Dave Kroll, Steve Paradise, Art Ciesielczyk and Christine Bouyear were nominated. 

Election Chairperson Tim Alberts turned the meeting back over to Kelly.


Kelly has campaign material from the candidates running in the National Election if anyone wants to see it.  Kelly and Dave Kroll have met a lot of the candidates if you want to ask them.


A motion was made by Dave Kroll and seconded by Steve Paradise to have the next meeting on Sunday, October 13th at 6:30 pm at Denny’s.  Motion passed unanimously.


A motion was made by Brenda Ellenson and seconded by Jeremy Linberg to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  NEWAL meeting adjourned at 2075 hours.  

The $10 door prize was won by Jeremy Linberg.

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.