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Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Place: Gallagher’s
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm.
A quorum was declared with 20 members in attendance.
Kelly led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present: President Kelly Heaney, Vice-President Jenny Ewald, Secretary/Treasurer Molly Crevier, Clerk Craft Director Sebastian Zeutzius, Maintenance Craft Director Samantha Fritz, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Clade Adkins, Recording Secretary Emily Ewald, and Bay Breeze Editor Bill Kabacinski.
Minutes of the March 2024 meeting were read by Emily Ewald. A motion was made by Sebastian Zeutzius and seconded by Bill Kabacinski to accept the minutes. Motion passed.
The financial report for March was read by President Kelly Heaney.
Executive Committee: The e-board talked about making a motion to reimburse Molly Crevier for a new printer, purchasing stamps for filing step 3 grievances, sending 2 officers to national convention in July, custodians not being hazmat trained, work orders for maintenance and having to code our own work orders.
Labor/Management: Items discussed were lack of mail handler coverage on the culling belt when the AFCS is run on tour 3, supervisor harassing clerks and addressing employees in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened, with no call no shows what determines whether they call the employee or not, machine partners and singling out only certain employees; several employees have been paired up on the same machines for months with the same partner while others are split up, overcrowded parking lot, new updated seniority list, custodian hazmat training is not complete, evacuation maps are in need of updates, emergency contact lists for plant needs updating, AED by front office needs updating sign telling where the other AED is located, Narcan no longer available, first responder training class, pit operators going around corners and almost hitting employees several times, APCs continue to be stored in the aisle by manual letters, lack of fire and tornado drills.
Safety/Health: Was combined with Labor management meeting notes.
Legislative: Casual wish list was talked about, buy back your casual time for PSE’s.
OWCP: Custodian got hurt from chairs in the breakroom, report was filled.
New Members: Tobin Sundstrom and Jason Burhite.
Lost Members:
Discussion was held on when signing documents read everything, you do not have to sign anything right away.
Discussion was held on still having to pay the labor temple, we still belong to the AFL-CIO.
Molly Crevier was sworn in as Secretary/Treasurer
A Motion was made by Jenny Ewald and seconded by Christine Bouyer to reimburse Molly Crevier $324.81 for new printer and ink. Motion passed.
Sebastian Zeutzuis talked about the training he attended in La Cross, he learned about MDAT program that helps track hours and excessing.
Kelly Heaney talked about attending the town hall meeting in Iron Mountain. Items discussed were not shutting down the plant, redoing the building, business mail being delayed, excessing, the amount of automation machines they have left.
Discussion was held on safety of the building not working, fire alarms are not working, new EAP counselor up front, auditors in the plant, still no answer on lunches.
Discussion was held on transportation cutting three more runs to Oshkosh.
A motion was made by Jenny Ewald and seconded by Samantha Fritz to have the next meeting on Wednesday, May 29th at 7:00am at Denny’s. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Pam Krause and seconded by Jackie Kudick to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 3:08 pm.
The $10 door prize was won by Pam Krause.
The $140 jackpot winner was Randy Schuster. Member was present so it will be $160 at the next meeting.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Emily Ewald.