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Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Place: Gallagher’s
Vice President Jenny Ewald called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
A quorum was declared with 20 members in attendance.
Jenny Ewald led the Pledge of Allegiance and Bill Kabacinski gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present: Vice-President Jenny Ewald, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Clerk Craft Director Sebastian Zeutzius, Maintenance Craft Director Samantha Fritz, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Clade Adkins Recording Secretary Emily Ewald, and Bay Breeze Editor Bill Kabacinski. President Kelly Heaney was excused.
Minutes of the January 2024 meeting were read by Emily Ewald. A motion was made by Clade Adkins and seconded by Samantha Fritz to accept the minutes. Motion passed.
The financial report for January was read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.
Executive Committee: The e-board talked about Tammy Baldwins representative was not able to attend the meeting but will try to attend the next union meeting. Kelly Heaney was not in attendance because he was in Minnesota talking to the NBA’s trying to get them to come back and address the issues we are having in our office. Sending Kelly, Sam, Sebastian, and Jenny to the state convention to bring up changes we want to our contract language. Writing statements on how the required lunches will impact your personal lives. Customer service position being reposted as a level 7 lead clerk with Sunday Monday off and a 4:00am start time.
Labor/Management: Items discussed were why supervisors are not provided 1260’s, why are we delaying mail instead of utilizing the overtime list, BRMs was abandoned due to short staffing, handstamp is sent out of building, and Coffrin/downtown/Hanson road overtime not being utilized for short staffing. The box section needs help on Mondays due to mail processing delays, on Monday mornings. Registers is not being processed correctly, untrained clerks. Parking lot is overfull, unused LLVs are parked closer to the building. Oil samples in customer service are being delayed due to them arriving mixed in with BMC in the GMF customer service. Parking lot repairs will be just patches for now. Customer complaints that mail from one side of town takes two days or more to get to the other side of town. Express is no longer getting delivered on time. Pars mail from the Carrier Section is being re-ran on DB 12. Mail was brought in labeled UBBMs but was walked sequenced mail. PSE working overtime before the overtime list was utilized. Employees mail, from the PO, is being placed on the breakroom tables. Starting March 23rd everyone will be required to take a lunch.
Grievance: Grievances for mandating overtime on non-list employees, overtime bypass, job reversions on tour 1 and tour 3 positions.
Safety/Health: No one is CPR certified in the pant, AED batteries are dead and unsure when they will be replaced.
New Members: Richard Timm
Lost Members: Ashley Kinney
Customer service position being reposted as a level 7 lead clerk with Sunday Monday off and a 4:00am start time, no window. Want the position to change so there is another employee to do tax. There really is not a need to change the days off, Monday is one of the worst days and needs the most staff. There are already two lead clerk jobs on tour 1 that are unbid because they are undesirable.
PSE hours not being maximized on holidays when people are being mandated. Management telling PSE’s there getting converted soon when jobs are being reverted. Some PSEs are making it to the one-year mark so they might be put into the lead clerk positions that are still on e-reassign.
A motion was made by Samantha Fritz and seconded by Clade Adkins to have the next meeting on Tuesday, March 26th at 7:00 pm at Gallagher’s. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Greg Hensel and seconded by Clade Adkins to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm.
The $10 door prize was won by Greg Hensel.
The $100 jackpot winner was Jennifer Starry. She was not present so it will be $120 at the next meeting.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Emily Ewald.