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Date:  Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Place:  Gallagher’s

President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.

A quorum was declared with 21 members in attendance. 

Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Sue Pranke gave the Invocation. 

The following officers were present:  President Kelly Heaney, Vice-President Jenny Ewald, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Recording Secretary Jenny Starry, Bay Breeze Editor Bill Kabacinski, and Motor Vehicle Craft Director Clade Adkins. Maintenance Craft Director Lance Bouyer was excused.

Minutes of the November 2023 meeting were printed in the Bay Breeze.  A motion was made by Sebastian Zeutzius and seconded by Sue Pranke to accept the minutes.  Motion passed. 

The financial report for October was read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.  

Executive Committee:  The e-board talked about budget for the new year and cutting back to be able to send new officers to training. Sending up to 2 people to the 4 state convention in North Dakota, sending up to 4 people to the state convention in La Cross. Budgeting up to $5,000 on the NEWAL annual picnic, opening to invite the mail handlers, carriers, and Oshkosh local to help with the picnic. Disciplining for absent from overtime and declining overtime when on the overtime desired list.

Labor/Management:  Items discussed for December LM meeting were CPR training class possibly at the beginning of the year, customer service sorting out 541 parcels after taking them over the counter, outer offices coming into the plant for overtime and not working on rotation, pool clerks are regularly being asked to work out of schedule and out of tour, the visitor from headquarters that toured the plant, new transportation schedule were the AO trucks will be picking up and dropping off earlier and if mail handler start times will change, lighting in the carrier section, tour 1 non volunteers were still coming in and max listers not being used, moving the pses start time to 7pm.

 For January LM meeting the items discussed where customer service separating priority and ground advantage but mail handlers are not, why did management give a service talk about treating every mail piece as if it were their own when non machinable mail is being run on machines and mail sitting in manual for up to 2 weeks. Supervisors still performing clerk work when reverting jobs, union stewards being denied union time when jobs are being reverted, job posting for expeditor say Milwaukee when it’s for Green Bay, management train supervisors on handling grievances, request for information are not being answered in a timely matter, no contract or permit for the vending company when the prices are high, speaker system in the back can be fixed, how register will be handled when trucks start bringing registers in on tour 2, the determining factor for when a sick call will be listed as scheduled or unscheduled and is there criteria that is used in this determination or is up to the individual supervisor, no current protocols for covid,  will AFCs be used on tour 1 and 2 with the new transportation schedule, 2 new window clerks training, clerks that are on the overtime list that refuse overtime, the new optimization plan was discussed.

Grievance: A step 3 filed on DBCS staffing, grievance filled for denial of steward time, step 3 filed on overtime bypass, holiday schedule for maintenance, and grievances filled on discipline cases.

Safety/Health:  People need to repot accidents when they happen. Snow bank at the end of the employee exit is too high to see as exiting, be careful and use truck entrance while they work on the problem.                     


OWCP: People that have LWOP status of 80 or more hours you lose annual and sick leave benefits.


New Members:  Ashley Kinney

Lost Members:  Steffon Clayborn and Jessica Meza


Potentially a new ET job to be added because maintenance took over the BDS, vmf job posting, job reversions, and results on the election were discussed.



New officers Samantha Fritz, Sebastian Zeutzius, and Emily Ewald were sworn in.

 A motion was made by Jenny Ewald and seconded by Jessie Weber if the representatives come in from national that the union take them out to dinner. Motion passed.

 A motion was made by Jenny Ewald and seconded by Sammie Fritz to send Molly Crevier to fiduciary training in Maryland to cover lost time, per diem, parking, transportation, registration, and lodging. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Sebastian Zeutzius and seconded by Jesse Weber to send up to 4 people to state convention in La Cross to cover lost time, per diem, parking, transportation, registration, and lodging. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Sammi Fritz and seconded by Jesse Weber for the annual picnic at Pamperin Park for up to $5,000. Invite Oshkosh local, letter carriers, and mail handlers. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Jenny Ewald and seconded by Sebastian Zeutzius to send up to 2 people to the 4-state convention in North Dakota to cover lost time, per diem, parking, transportation, registration, and lodging. Motion passed.



A motion was made by Jon Hasart and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to have the next meeting on Thursday, February 22nd at 2 pm at Gallagher’s.  Motion passed. 


A motion was made by Greg Hensel and seconded by Art Ciesielczyk to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:33 pm.   

The postal pulse survey drawing was won by Bryce Thomas and Joe Dvorachek.

The $10 door prize was won by Jackie Kudick.

The $380 rolling jackpot winner was Sammi Fritz, she was in attendance.

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.

Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Emily Ewald.