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Date: Sunday, September 19th, 2021
Place: Gallagher’s
President Kelly Heaney called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A quorum was declared with 17 members in attendance.
Kelly Heaney led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Paradise gave the Invocation.
The following officers were present:
President Kelly Heaney, Vice President Dave Kroll, Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk, Bay Breeze Editor Kelsey Helf, Clerk Craft Director Steve Paradise, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jeremy Linberg and Maintenance Craft Director Dave Villwock. Recording Secretary Jenny Starry was excused.
Minutes of the August 2021 meeting were read by Dave Kroll. A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Chris Opolka to accept the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
The financial report for August was read by Secretary/Treasurer Art Ciesielczyk.
Executive Committee: The e-board discussed a Constitutional amendment concerning grievances, nominations for election, who receives a ballot, what constitutes a member in good standing, and how many offices a member can be nominated for.
Labor/Management: Some items discussed were the fire extinguisher map is not updated, non-compliance grievances for lead clerks not doing TACS, lack of training for new PSE’s, Wausau mail coming in on October 15th, and PSE staffing, they’re scheduled for too many hours.
Grievance: There will be a Constitutional amendment concerning grievances over $1000. A $1000 payout was given for last year’s line-H grievance. The RI-399 dispute is settled. Mail handlers can no longer dirty sort or be on the incoming side of the low-cost. There was sub-contracting grievance at Cofrin filed.
Safety/Health: Kelly mentioned the fire-extinguisher map.
Legislative: Steve Paradise gave the legislative report. He contacted Bernie Sanders regarding all postal legislation being included in the 3.5 trillion ominous bill. He encouraged members to contact him too.
Constitution: Steve will present an addition to the Constitution in new business.
New Members: Kissimmee Watson, Alejandro Perez and Kiara Rivera
Lost Members: Kathy Lytie, David Dworak, Jennifer Kaminski, Angela Hill and Haley Bex.
A motion was made by Steve Paradise and seconded by Christine Bouyear to accept the addition to the NEWAL Constitution in Article 4 Finance that was presented at the last meeting. Motion passed unanimously. See attached.
Steve Paradise presented an amendment to the Constitution saying that you have to use form 1187 to join the union. This will be posted for review at all AO’s, all stations, on the union board and/or in the Bay Breeze. Motion passed unanimously. See attached.
Kelly turned the floor over to Election Committee chairman Bryce Thomas for nominations.
For the office of President: Kelly Heaney, Chris Opolka and Jeremy Linberg were nominated.
For the office of Executive Vice President: Dave Kroll, Steve Paradise, Chris Opolka, Ekaterina Bouyear, and Christine Bouyear were nominated
For the office of Secretary/Treasurer: Art Ciesielczyk and Ekaterina Bouyear were nominated.
For the office of Recording Secretary: Jenny Starry was nominated.
For the office of Bay Breeze Editor: Kelsey Helf and David Sass were nominated.
For the office of Clerk Craft Director: Sebastian Zeutzius, Christine Bouyear, Chris Opolka, and Steve Paradise were nominated.
For the office of Motor Vehicle Craft Director: Jeremy Linberg, Abran Rodriguez, Quinn Frye, and Allen Smolen were nominated.
For the office of Maintenance Craft Director: Richard Stephenson, Lance Bouyear, Ekaterina Bouyear, Billy Kabicinski, Kelly Heaney, and David Villwock.
For the National Convention Delegates: Dave Kroll, Art Ciesielczyk, Steve Paradise, Sebastian Zeutzius, Sheri Beauleau, Chris Opolka, Ekaterina Bouyear, Jeremy Linberg, Kelly Heaney, Christine Bouyear, and David Villwock.
For the State Convention Delegates: Dave Kroll, Art Ciesielczyk, Steve Paradise, Sebastian Zeutzius, Sheri Beauleau, Kelly Heaney, Jeremy Linberg, Christine Bouyear, David Sass, Chris Opolka, David Villwock, Ekaterina Bouyear, and Faith Ness.
Articles for the Bay Breeze are due September 30.
Kelly talked about contract negotiations.
A motion was made by Jeremy Linberg and seconded by Brenda Ellenson to have the next meeting on Tuesday, October 19th at 4pm at Gallagher’s. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Pam Krause and seconded by Christine Bouyear to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously. NEWAL meeting adjourned.
The $10 door prize was won by Art Ciesielczyk.
The t-shirt/beanie door prize winners were Dave Villwock and Albert Shamah.
The $260 rolling jackpot winner was Emily Ewald. She was not present so it will be $280 at the next meeting.
Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet.
Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Jenny Starry.